Lahore Science Mela 2018
Dedicated Page: Lahore Science Mela 2018's Exclusive Website
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Registration: Open to all.
Date: January 27, 2018 January 28, 2018
Time: 09:00 am, 09:00 am
Venue: Ali Institute of Education


The Lahore Science Mela 2018 is a science fest organized by the Khwarizmi Science Society. showcased inventions, discoveries, experiments, science models and artifacts recieved from all parts of Pakistan. It will be an opportunity to engage all citizens, especially the children in celebrating science. Our focus is on the wonder aspects of practical science accomplished through practical activities such as hands-on games and experiments that will appeal to our young boys and girls. There is no entry fee and the Mela will remain open for all citizens of Pakistan.

Supplementary Documents: Report of Lahore Science Mela 2018 | Exhibitors Invitation | Schools Invitation | Instructors Invitation | School Education Department
Announcement Poster: lsm_18_poster.jpg slider_lsm_18.jpg lahore_science_mela_poster_2.jpg lahore_science_mela_poster_3.jpg
